Loab: Ghost in the AI

Loab: the woman who kept appearing in one woman’s AI generated art.

Swedish musician Supercomposite claims she was haunted by a recurring image while playing around with AI art generating technology. A woman’s face with black eyes kept reappearing in her images when she asked the AI to produce the opposite of any given phrase.

Who is Loab?

Supercomposite first encountered Loab when trying to create an image that was the opposite of Marlon Brando, using the prompt “Brando::-1.”

Finding the image strange but not too alarming at first, she tried again to find the opposite of the DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo using the prompt “DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo::-1”.

She kept being returned images of a distraught looking older woman with long brown hair and clearly defined triangles of rosacea on her cheeks.

Supercomposite continued to explore with negatively weighted search terms finding Loab popping up over and over again.

Here are some of Supercomposite’s tweets describing his encounters with Loab.

Have you ever encountered Loab while playing with AI imaging? let us know in the comments.

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