Memes of the Week - 1

Every week we scour the internet looking for the silliest paranormal memes to brighten up your day. Here’s this weeks top 10:

Has it ever been so cold in your neck of the woods that the ghosts freeze solid? This poor spirit was caught short while out for a haunt.

Paranormal Catalog has discovered photographic evidence of haunted pants! Apparently if you go long enough without washing them they can stand up on their own.

You’ve heard of the headless horseman now for the headless weatherman. One local news station decided on this hilarious prank on viewers for halloween.

Here’s a cool idea for some spooky garden décor. We would have ours up all year round.

I want to believe with someone

We all want to find that special someone who truly understands our fascination with the paranormal.

Many of us have had creepy experiences with shadow people and sleep paralysis. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

Sometimes we get so excited about our discoveries that we go a bit overboard in sharing them with our loved ones.

All you paranormal investigators out there should be able to relate to this one. Sometimes how we view ourselves and how everyone else views us doesn’t quite add up.

Sometimes real life relationships are more upsetting than paranormal frights. Getting ghosted is no ones idea of a good time.

the elusive breakdancing ghost

And to cap it off for the week: how do you know there’s not a ghost breakdancing behind you right now? One of life’s endless mysteries.


Memes of the Week -2