Memes of the Week -2

We’ve been looking under all of the rocks in the internet forest to find you another juicy selection of paranormal memes. Here we go!

my roommate is a ghost?!

Seems suspicious that she would be bringing it up now? Have you been doing your bit around the house for the last 200 years OP?

Sometimes you’ve got to get creative to get things done. Who better to teach you Latin than a ancient demon?

haunted house?

Once you start seeing the paranormal in the world it can be hard to stop thinking about it. Who knows what’s lurking in that 100 year old abandoned villa down the street?

Mothman vs Lamp

We all have our Achilles heal. For poor old mothman his moth-like instincts might let him down.

Speaking of Mothman did we just stumble upon his origin story?

nessie is returning

As we leave the worst of the pandemic behind us its fun to look back on those innocent memes from the early days. Maybe without us all of the cryptids would come out of the woodwork.

social distancing world champion

In another homage to illness prevention protocols we have bigfoot: world champion of social distancing!

Don't feed the bigfoot

One of these things is not like the others… or is it just the same but a little bit more camera shy?

This is worth keeping in mind. Do you want to be skulking around the afterlife in holey sweatpants?

And a nice dad joke to round out the list. Have a great week!


Memes of the Week - 3


Memes of the Week - 1