Over the last decade, pessimism about the future of humanity seems to have ramped up, particularly in online spaces. Could it be that we instinctively know things are about to change drastically?
The Illuminati card game has become infamous for its uncanny predictions that seem to have come true.
American Mother Riss White has taken to TikTok to tell of how her daughter seems to remember a previous life where she died in the Twin Towers.
Just like the infamous Silver Bridge Mothman sightings, witnesses claim seeing a strange, 7ft tall flying humanoid in the weeks before the collapse of the I-35W bridge in 2007.
In 1923, several residents of Berkshire and Richford, Vermont reported seeing a creature resembling a griffin, with a 20 foot wingspan and a serpentine tail.
In the fall of 1951, English mountain climbers Eric Shipton and Dr. Michael Ward were exploring routes to climb Mount Everest from Nepal. While on this mission Shipton discovered some huge footprints in the snow, possibly belonging to the fabled Yeti.
A massive shark is caught on camera prowling near a research vessel off the Massachusetts coast, creating a buzz on social media. What is the link between NASA Zone F and this elusive megalodon?
When they reached the car, they found that the driver was dead, and her 18-month-old daughter, though alive, couldn't have been the one speaking.
For more than a hundred years, a ghostly ship has appeared on the Platte River roughly every 25 years. Each sighting has been said to predict the death of someone known to the witness who spotted the eerie vessel.
In the early 1900s, the MacKenzie family line in Scotland experienced several different paranormal omens, warning them about deaths that would soon occur in the family.
On November 17, 1986, a Japan Airlines flight was stalked for 30 minutes by several UFOs. These UFOs were also seen by the Anchorage Federal Aviation Administration who advised the pilot to take evasive action.
Since the 1980s Scientists have been studying a strange aerial phenomenon in Norway but they yet to find a definitive explanation.
In an almost infinite universe, it's unlikely that we're the only intelligent life. But where is everyone else? Could it be that aliens have been coexisting with us on Earth, invisibly, since the beginning of our time?
Hundreds of people over the years have reported encountering strange Men in Black after UFO sightings or witnessing other strange phenomena. Could these men really be government agents involved in covering up alien activity or even something more sinister?
Barbara Rogers and her boyfriend Steven Mineo were devoted followers of Sherry Shriner, an online peddler of reptilian conspiracy theories. The couple’s dedication to these beliefs eventually ended in Steven’s death by gunshot wound at the hands of Barbara.
Lynne Martin is accused of igniting the fatal fire that claimed the life of her 88-year-old father, Ronald Russell Allison, at his remote farm home 30km north-west of Gisborne, New Zealand, in the early hours of January 25, 2013.
Dylan Schumaker was babysitting Ashlee Smith’s two children while she was at work. She returned to find that her eldest child, two year old Austin Smith, had been murdered.
Nikko Jenkins committed a series of murders in Omaha over a 2 week period in 2013. He blamed the Egyptian Serpent God Apophis for his actions, eventually cutting his tongue and penis into a serpent shape as an act of worship to this deity.
A weird question perhaps, but one that has puzzled internet users over the last few years... do ghosts have teeth?
Do you want to use a Ouija Board but are not 100% sure what is safe to do and what isn’t? Our list of 18 Ouija Board rules will help to steer you in the right direction.
Many people swear that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck but is there any logic behind this superstition?
A video of a distressed and injured woman, screaming and limping and resembling a zombie, went viral on social media in May 2021. Due to her unusual zombie-like behavior, she was dubbed the Seattle Zombie Woman by many.
It was not the mound that broke her fall and saved her life; rather, it was the 200-plus ant bites she received that kept her heart beating and adrenaline flowing.
Gabriel March Granados was accused of neglecting to deliver 42,768 letters, for which he faced a potential prison sentence of 384,912 years - the longest ever requested.
Sydney Smith is the “Giraffe Woman” of LA. She wore metal rings around her neck for five years to try and become more like her favourite animal: the giraffe.